Celtic Maze


Heading to India

January 4, 2017

Hi, Folks.

Happy New Year! I wish you the very best for 2017. 2016 was a challenge but if you look beyond the headlines there were great strides on many fronts—fossil fuel consumption has flatlined for the third straight year, renewable energy is skyrocketing, world poverty is reduced, there are less wars, etc. I know so many incredible young people who are committed to creating an inclusive, sustainable world community. They give me hope and I am blessed to have them in my life.

My son Patrick and I started the year singing for hundreds of people bringing in 2017 at an outdoor celebration in Charlottetown. Our island community has changed so much since I was a kid and now includes many many cultures who were part of the celebrations. And the food sure has improved! I am looking forward to lots of performances with my son in 2017. We will let you know about our touring plans.

In a few days I am off to India for five weeks to study The Yoga of Sound. When yoga came to the west a few decades ago people adopted the asanas and are now digging deeper into the music behind the movements. I’ve been studying chant for more than a decade with a South Indian master and am traveling to India to do an intensive Mastery of Mantra course in Tamil Nadu. I’ll tell you all about it when I return and will have lots to share with my singing students across Canada and beyond.

I’m turning sixty when I am away. Sixty! Now that’s a big number. I am happy to have spent almost half that time with Brett Bunston. Here we are in Mexico last year.

Teresa and Patrick in Mexico 2016

Take care, folks. Keep warm and keep in touch.


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