Celtic Maze


Fall 2017 Tour in Ontario with October Browne

October 10, 2017

Hi, Folks.

Hello from balmy Prince Edward Island. I’ve just returned from a nice walk on the beach, the water is a bit cold now but it’s perfect for hiking. The summer was just grand with Rock Barra Artist Retreat busier than it has ever been. We hosted a Canada 150 project called The Waters and the Wild, a celebration of nature through art in fifteen different workshops. The last one was this week, now I can think about my fall […]

Summer 2017 on the Island, Concerts and Singing Camp

July 12, 2017

Well, summer is in full swing. I’ve been in swimming a few times and it is still a bit chilly but getting warmer. I am happy to report that I am home on the island until the fall. We have a special project happening at Rock Barra Retreat that I am co-ordinating. It’s called The Waters and The Wild, 15 free workshops celebrating nature through art. The workshops are on select Tuesdays through the summer and fall.

In addition to that […]

The Waters & The Wild Workshops for Canada 150

June 15, 2017

Three seasons of experiencing nature through art workshops at Rock Barra Artist Retreat.

Rock Barra Artist Retreat Co-operative is delighted to announce a slate of workshops with artists and naturalists as part of the Canada 150 celebrations. As we honour our history as a nation our project, The Waters and The Wild, reminds citizens of Canada that we are blessed with an incredible environmental legacy to be treasured, enjoyed and protected for generations to come.

“Come away, O human child! To the […]

Quebec/Eastern Ontario Tour, Kirtan Concert, and Singing Camp

April 19, 2017

Hi, Folks.

I am happy to say my son Patrick and I are heading out soon on our annual Quebec/Eastern Ontario tour. He is just finishing his school term and this is always a nice chance for us to spend some time together, play some music and see old friends along the way.

On Friday, April 28th, my buddy Susan Sweeney-Hermon is hosting us for a house concert in her new Ottawa home. Here are all the details: Showtime is 7.30 p.m. […]

Journey to the Heart of India

March 9, 2017

Westerners have been flocking to India for eons to experience all the flavours and colours of this amazing place. My journey was not as a tourist but rather as a student of Vedic chant, the oldest songs on the planet. I’ve long been interested in how people use their voices is cultures around the world and the vocal traditions of South India are perhaps the deepest and most complex.

I went to study with Russill Paul. I first met Russill a […]